Showing off my New Makeup
Nope, I’m not dead It’s just been a hectic month. But you’d know I wasn’t dead if you’d been watching my regular updates on my website! Sorry guys, updates for my members takes priority over diary entries. But don’t worry, I will keep posting on here especially as my life settles back down a bit. If you’re curious, I’ve been busy applying to new jobs because I don’t like my current one any more (my day job, not the porn job – I love my porn job!
So I finally broke down recently and bought some expensive makeup. Sephora to be exact. And I really like it
It goes on smoothly and evenly, and it actually puts some color on my eyes (see the pic <= )! I was tired of only having bright colors in that really cheap makeup that doesn’t work, and all of my decent makeup (mid-range stuff like Covergirl) was in boring colors. The only stuff that was visible on my eyes were the dark colors, which aren’t very saturated and don’t show up on camera very well.
Shopping for Sephora makeup was a bit of a different story though. They have a ridiculous number of different lines, and it’s impossible to tell what’s what. I hate asking sales people for advice (especially when shopping for something like makeup!), which I guess is Sephora’s big thing – they don’t bug you while you shop, but they sort of expect you to try stuff out and ask for advice. I shouldn’t complain too much because I found exactly what I was looking for (bright colors), but the problem was that every line had bright colors and I had no idea which line would work best. So I mixed and matched some stuff, picking some stuff with middle of the road price tags . . . and turns out that worked just fine for me.
The lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara I got is amazing. I need to get more of those in different colors. The eyeshadow is great to use, and I love the effects I can get with the silver . . . but the pink stuff I got was a bit of a disappointment. The color isn’t as saturated as I had hoped, though in all fairness I think I’ve found a look that I really like where most of my color comes from the eyeliner – the shadow is just a subtle, well, shadow
Well here’s my new look
I think it works well. The lipstick is a shade too light for me, so I’ll have to do something about that, but it’s certainly a start! Now I just need to save up enough money to buy some more colors – it’s expensive stuff, but it’s worth it
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