My New Video Camera

  • Ok, it’s not quite as new as it was when I first mentioned it, but . . . I’ve only had time to use it once, and it’s still shiny and beautiful. So I will call it new Of course I’m talking about my HD video camera which will let me take stunningly high quality [...]

  • The Most Amazing TGirl Toy Ever

  • Wow I just had the most amazing anal toy experience imaginable. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I never understood all the hype about anal sex and the p-spot. Don’t get me wrong, I can find my prostate, and it feels good . . . but no matter how hard I tried, [...]

  • High-Tech TGirl

  • So after my computer breaking down, I was out of town for a week on business (the real kind of business, not the fun kind). And the first day I was gone I checked my email only to discover a message that my websites had been suspended because they were getting too many visitors! This [...]

  • This Is My Computer on Drugs. Any Questions?

  • My computer broke. I think I burnt out 2 video cards, maybe worse. It’s currently eviscerated :fight: , it’s overheated entrails strewn across my desk, fans rattling like the lungs of a terminal emphysemic. I’m pillaging the hard drive as I type, desperately pulling off my important documents, website updates, etc. It’s a bit disturbing [...]

  • Crossdressing in the Spring Rain

  • Well it’s about time spring got here! I had been planning on doing some yardwork yesterday, but when I looked outside it was raining . . . so I decided to get dressed up and go plan in the rain instead I found this perfect little pink dress that I knew would be completely transparent [...]

  • TGirl in Self Inflicted Bondage

  • Do you know how difficult it is to tie one’s own self up and still manage to take pictures and video of it? That’s what happens when a member at The Crossdresser .com requests a special set involving bondage, and I can’t find anyone to help with the ropes! I’m not one to say “sorry, [...]

  • Bad Week for this TGirl

  • Ok, this is a lame first post in awhile (and first post of the month too for that matter), but I’ve had a pretty shitty time at the day job this week, on top of traveling for the better part of last month. Today I had a senior manager say to me “that’s absolutely appalling [...]