TGirl Creampies

  • Yup, that’s me lapping up my own creampie out of my new model, Jenny. Well to be fair most of it just sort of dribbled out all over my face But what was left I made sure to lap up! I actually surprised myself with the size of this load. Probably because we were dressed [...]

  • Traveling TGirl Photographers Have It Rough

  • Of course everyone knows how airlines have tightened security lately. So usually I just drive anywhere within 8 hours of home without thinking twice. But recently I’ve had to do a good bit of air travel. And I know myself well enough to understand that I’m not going to last for a week-long trip without [...]

  • Mountainclimbing – Another TGirl Workout

  • Yup, mountainclimbing. What can I say, guess I’ve got a bit of a tomboy streak I spent the past three days backpacking in the Adirondack Mountains. There are 46 peaks in those mountains with elevations over 4000 feet, and on Sunday we climbed four of them, including the second tallest in the range. The photo [...]

  • My New Video Camera

  • Ok, it’s not quite as new as it was when I first mentioned it, but . . . I’ve only had time to use it once, and it’s still shiny and beautiful. So I will call it new Of course I’m talking about my HD video camera which will let me take stunningly high quality [...]

  • The Most Amazing TGirl Toy Ever

  • Wow I just had the most amazing anal toy experience imaginable. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I never understood all the hype about anal sex and the p-spot. Don’t get me wrong, I can find my prostate, and it feels good . . . but no matter how hard I tried, [...]

  • High-Tech TGirl

  • So after my computer breaking down, I was out of town for a week on business (the real kind of business, not the fun kind). And the first day I was gone I checked my email only to discover a message that my websites had been suspended because they were getting too many visitors! This [...]

  • This Is My Computer on Drugs. Any Questions?

  • My computer broke. I think I burnt out 2 video cards, maybe worse. It’s currently eviscerated :fight: , it’s overheated entrails strewn across my desk, fans rattling like the lungs of a terminal emphysemic. I’m pillaging the hard drive as I type, desperately pulling off my important documents, website updates, etc. It’s a bit disturbing [...]

  • Bad Week for this TGirl

  • Ok, this is a lame first post in awhile (and first post of the month too for that matter), but I’ve had a pretty shitty time at the day job this week, on top of traveling for the better part of last month. Today I had a senior manager say to me “that’s absolutely appalling [...]

  • Sometimes Being a TGirl Catches Up with Me

  • Eek, it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything! Living a double life has been a little rough lately – the day job has been out of control, April is shaping up to be the worst month of the year so far for the website, and I’ve been fighting a sinus infection and sore throat for [...]

  • Thank You for Buying Pornography

  • Ok, so I just watched the movie Thank You for Smoking (I know, I’m a little behind the times), and I can’t help but see some similarities with the porn industry. Ok, I know, our death toll is even lower than firearms . . . but hey, we’ve got psychological damage going for us! Seriously [...]